We are so glad you're interested in starting a small group!

The most effective way to start a group is to start by inviting people – invite people over to your house after church, hang out have some food, get to know each other. Once you know that you have at least 4 people interested in a small group, it's a great time to start thinking about getting together more regularly (every week, every other week, once a month, etc.).

You'll need some content for your small group too (Small Group Experts are fond of saying that people come for the content but stay for relationships). You can explore the different resources we have available below.

Once you've found everything you're looking for, make sure to click on register your small group – that will help us connect with you about your group and advertise it so people can sign up. 

Find the perfect study for your group by browsing our library - click on the image and you'll see the different studies that we have waiting for you in our library. You can check out the study by going to the Library on a Sunday before or after service to pick it up (make sure you check it out by going to the Connect Centre, or we'll have to calm down an angry Librarian – and that's very difficult to do because you have to whisper the whole time).

There are lots of resources available online, some are free (Open.Life.Church and GroupLeaders.org, for example) while other have a cost built in to them (Study Gateway for example). We've provided links to the three we've mentioned, but if you find some other resources that are helpful (online sites, particular book studies, etc.), let Pastor Shane know via email or phone call so we can add it to the list (and maybe even the Library)

Don't forget training!
• Alpha have been leading Small Group Discussion Times for decades, and they've gotten pretty good at training average people like us in how to host a good discussion time– that video is definitely worth a click (it'll start at 11:36, but feel free to watch the whole thing if you're interested)
• We have a Small Group Manual that will help you answer most questions pretty quickly
• Our Protection Policy governs every volunteer, and is especially necessary if you have anybody in your group who qualifies as part of the Vulnerable Sector (children, teens, and seniors, etc). For clarity or more information, please don't hesitate to reach out to Pastor Shane.
• The Church Center App will help us spread the word, take attendance, and even help you get in touch with the different members of your group - it'll be worth scheduling some time to learn the benefits of the Church Center App.