Current Sermon Series - Sundays 10am (9:30 am Pre-Service Prayer)
The heart of worship is a big theme in the book of Malachi, and it’s all about being real with God. Malachi challenges people to stop going through the motions and instead focus on worship that’s authentic and meaningful.
Programs available for kids ages 0 - grade 8
Malachi - The Heart of Worship
Saturday, January 18 | 6PM
It's Hockey Day in Canada (is its official name once a year - It's where all the Canadian teams face each other that day) and James invites you to his place (3804 Hazel St. Fort Erie) to watch The Habs vs The Leafs. Don't like hockey? Come anyway, the conversation will be worth the trip. RSVP text James' cell at 905 658 7225 or Pastor Shane so we can order enough food.
Guys’ Night Out
Saturday, January 25 | 6PM
Do you have what it takes to be a Sky Kid? Kids in Grades 1-5 are invited to join us for an action-packed day of spy-themed games, top-secret crafts, a mission-filled adventure and a bible story and snack!
Sign-up is required, please email Pastor Emily to sign up.
Spy Kids Party
Sunday, January 26 | 6PM
Whether you're seeking personal renewal, or interceding for loved ones, this evening promises to be meaningful and uplifting. Feel free to bring a friend or family member along. The more hearts united in prayer, the more powerful our evening will be!