Volunteer Hub

Volunteer Application and Ministry Commitment Form: If you are volunteering with us and required to complete both a volunteer application and commitment form CLICK HERE.

Ministry Commitment Form: If you are volunteering with us and are required to complete just the ministry commitment form CLICK HERE.

Vulnerable Sector Check: All volunteers working with vulnerable adults or minors must complete a vulnerable sector check from their local police station. You will be asked to provide a letter from us stating you are volunteering for us. CLICK HERE for a copy of the letter. Be sure to fill out your name, and date of birth. If you don’t have a printer contact your ministry lead and they will be sure to provide the letter to you. We will reimburse you once your sector check has been received to us. Note: if you are completing the check online the administration cost will not be reimbursed to you.

Protection Policy Training: Watch through each video and make sure to write your first name, last name, and email address in the appropriate field at the bottom of the page (below the last video) and click submit.