1 Day to Pentecost

The Transformed Peter
Betty Boyd
Seniors Co-Ordinator
Faith Welland Outreach

Six years ago my husband announced he was going to take some classes in making stained glass. Who randomly decides to do this!? I can understand taking up baking or even dance but stained glass? It wasn’t on my radar but not wanting to be left out of this new adventure, I tagged along.
I was transported to a world where words like “fid, foiling, and patina” became part of my vocabulary.

It wasn’t long before I could mentally walk through each step of creating a piece of stained glass from scoring the glass to polishing it.

I can spend hours looking at different kinds of glass. I know. That’s weird. There are endless textures, and colours. I’ve learned the difference between opaque and translucent.
I had never considered how glass could be frosted, patterned, bubbled or ribbed before this.
And something I never thought of prior to my introduction to this new craft, was how glass is made. Am I the only one or are you with me?

In layman terms, simply said, sand is transformed by heat to create glass, first in a liquid state that hardens as it cools.

The passage of scripture today shows the transformation of Peter by what some refer to as “a baptism of fire”. A few days ago we read about the power of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit baptism.
In much the same way as this process from sand to glass, the Holy Spirit transforms us, and when we are transformed, we had a new purpose and can boldly step out in the purpose with action.
Peter went from being a simple fisherman who often spoke out of turn, and one who denied Jesus to a man who boldly stood up and preached to a large crowd resulting in thousands of people coming to know Jesus.

No amount of willpower, or workshops can transform an individual from the inside out in the same way that God’s spirit can.

That glass looks nothing like a pile of sand. It’s colourful. It’s surprisingly strong. To shatter 1cm cube of glass, it requires a load of some 10 tonnes.

The last thing I do when I complete a piece of stained glass, is to hold it up to the sun. It’s only then that the true beauty and brilliance is seen. The purpose of each piece revealed.

When we submit to the master craftsman, we are transformed. Each of us, a masterpiece that has the SON shining through us, not only displaying beauty but designed for purpose.

Today, my challenge to you is to ask God to transform you, from the inside out. In praying that, it can only happen when you submit to his leading and then what? Step out and shine in your purpose.