9 Days To Pentecost

What Jesus Did and Does
Jamie Shepherd
Lead Pastor

Luke starts off his second volume addressing Theophilus and stating that he had previously written about all that Jesus began to do and teach (Gospel of Luke). This statement implies that the book of Acts is a continuation of the Gospel of Luke, and it serves as a reminder of the importance of Jesus' teachings and actions.

Reading this passage reminds me of a personal experience where I saw the impact of Jesus' teachings and actions in my own life. Many years ago, while attending bible college, I was going through a difficult time in my personal life, and it was affecting my relationships and daily routine. The joy and passion I once had for serving God had waned, and I felt distant from Him. I longed for a renewed sense of purpose and direction. I tried to cope with it on my own, but I eventually realized that I needed help.

A mentor and friend encouraged me to read the book of Luke and talk to Jesus about it and to be open to the fact that what he did then he still does now. Through this process and perspective, I realized that Jesus not only taught us about love, forgiveness, and compassion, but He also lived out those values Himself. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and showed mercy to sinners. And he still is the same Jesus on the same mission. As I meditated on these truths, I felt a sense of peace and hope wash over me. I began to see my situation from a different perspective and found the strength to reach out to my loved ones for support. Through prayer and community, I was able to overcome my struggles and find joy and purpose in my life once again.

Acts 1:1-2 serves as a reminder that the work of Jesus is not limited to His time on earth. His teachings and actions continue to impact our lives today, and we can find comfort and guidance in them. Just as Luke wrote to Theophilus about Jesus' work, we too can share the good news of Jesus with others and inspire them to seek His teachings for themselves.

May we always remember the work of Jesus and share it with others so that they too can experience the love and grace of our Saviour. Maybe you can start like I did, with reading the gospel of Luke? Reflect on what he did, talk to him about it and declare, “I believe you are the same yesterday, today and forever” Do your work in me, do your work through me. You are the same God!