The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit Small Group Campaign begins the week of April 14th, 2024!
How Does It Work?
Pick up a workbook at the Connect Centre, or download a digital copy below.
Invite some people to get together with you for four weeks (they can be friends, strangers, or people you think are great but haven't had much of a chance to hang out with)
Find a day and time that works best for you and the group (or come up with multiple options).
The videos will be posted below so you can watch them on your computer.
They will also be available on youtube, so you can cast them to your TV.
A Note From Pastor Shane:
We are so glad that you're considering starting this journey together with people you know! In the Coming weeks, our prayer is that your friendships will grow strong as you talk, walk alongside, and pray for each other.

The Holy Spirit is so important to life and faith. Every person who has taken a step closer to Jesus has encountered the Holy Spirit in some way. But this is just the beginning! God has provided so much for us through the work and person of the Holy Spirit.

We hope and pray that this study will help you discover more of what God has made available to you!

The Workbook

Click the red button to download a copy of the Holy Spirit Workbook

The Videos

Four weeks, four videos - you will find each one below as they are uploaded. The first one is ready to go now!