10 Days to Pentecost

Shane Stewart
Connections Pastor

Waiting can be hard.

I remember significant moments in my life, and most of them involved waiting for the moment to arrive. I remember waiting for my driver’s licence, for graduation, for my first day at work, for my wedding day. I remember waiting for exciting news, and I remember waiting for news that was more . . . anxious.

What happens to you while you wait is an interesting thing – your mind bounces around ideas, you start imagining what’s going to happen, sometimes it’s the best-case scenario, sometimes it’s the worst-case scenario. But when the day finally comes, there are details that you couldn’t have guessed, and sometimes, it’s completely different than every prediction you made.

The first time we see the phrase “baptize you in the Holy Spirit” in the Bible, it’s said by John the Baptist, talking about Jesus and what he would do (you read it in the Mark 1:4-8 Bible reading). Jesus lived, taught, and did miracles for three and half years after John said those words. It’s only once we get to the book of Acts that we see the fulfillment of what John had declared.

I wonder what went through the disciples’ minds when they were waiting in Jerusalem after Jesus ascended. I wonder if they could have ever predicted how God showed up. I wonder if they could have predicted what God would do in and through them in the next 10 days and beyond. I don’t think they could have.

In 10 days, the disciples waited, they conducted some of the work of leadership, they prayed, and they waited.

For the next 10 days, we’re going to see the different things that the disciples did in the lead up to the Day of Pentecost, we’re going to see what happened on the Day of Pentecost, and we’re going to see the results. At the same time, I invite you to pray for God’s Holy Spirit to be poured out on all of us at Faith Welland – that God would continue to do amazing things (and even more) in and through us as a church.

Waiting can be hard, but waiting on God is always worth it.